Our Cancer Journey List

This page is the area where we are listing all of the products that we have been using along the journey.  Click the link to be taken to the site.  There are also some items that are are on our wish list of beneficial therapies that if we are able to raise through our tax free campaign will benefit his recovery tremendously.

Cronometer is the app that will help you track your macro's which is a key component in the metabolic protocol

Keto-Mojo is the meter that will help you track your glucose levels which need to be at or below 65mg/dl as well as your ketone levels , which then gives you your GKI.  The GKI is the ratio of the amount of blood glucose to the amount of ketones in your blood at any one time. A GKI value of 1.0 or below has been shown to be the therapeutic goal for metabolic cancer management.

All dis-eases stem from the toxicity that we face as a species including our addiction to food like substances and the worst one of all SUGAR.  Enlighten yourself by ordering your copy TODAY.

One of the things he has to monitor very closely is his weight, BMI, body fat, and muscle mass.  Here is the scale that we are using to help him monitor this.



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